For customers who needs spare parts usually it is the steering knuckles
Our design is slightly flawed with ZenWheels micro car. It is not a fisher price toy that is indestructible. The car performance great, and it was designed for performance first.
It was not designed to be cost-effective or economical
If you take care of it, it could last a long time
It’s pretty easy to have a small child damage it in two seconds
Here we are offering you a broken ZenWheels car because you are smart enough to take things apart and put them together all by yourself Congratulations if that’s you!
It takes human Man hours to investigate why something is broken when Amazon or some other Costco type customer is always right return policy ends up, sending our top quality produce goods back to us
We don’t want to spend any money to investigate why something is broken or spend any time repairing it because we know what that most customers won’t pay for that.
Here is your option to get some excellent quality parts from a possibly damaged, zenwheels car that somebody has returned Some good citizen, consumer, who we love so much :).
We are shipping to you from our home town of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Our website looks a bit flakey, but we are for real, I promise. :)
Our on-line store runs on Shopify.
Most items MUST be shipped with trackable service. You will receive a tracking number by Email when your order is accepted.
You will receive shipping quotations from the Shopify shipping system and we will process your order as efficiently as possible.
We are finding that the Shopify shipping system is excellent for us and for our customers getting good shipping rates.
If shipping seems too high - let us know. We will be examining every order and evaluating the shipping costs. Again - most items MUST be shipped with trackable service.
We are Semi-Retired, but we are still active in business.
We love happy customers. All Plantraco products are designed with passion and genuine love for the R/C hobby and model building and cool electronic gadgetry and gizmos. It's never really been work for the boss, but there is also a lot of paperwork and stuff, and those guys at Plantraco do have to do work I guess. Oh well. Anyway, we pledge to you that we will always do the right thing. Check out our common sense policies on Returns and Repairs and also on Privacy. We will not collect your data and sell it - that's not our interest. We want to sell you our awesome R/C Toys and hobby products and you want to buy them :)